Best Plants for your House
Are you looking for some functional decorations for your new home? Look no further than houseplants. By adding some potted greens in and around the house, you can purify the air and create a more relaxing and calming ambience. Spending some time in nature gets linked to stress reduction. A study by Dutch researchers in 2008, indicated that hospital patients who had indoor plants in their room reported reduced stress level. So, houseplants can make your house look lovely while detoxifying the air inside your home. Some of the plants require much maintenance and space, but there are many options for plants that can withstand every weather condition. If you wanted to channel your inner horticulturist, then we have you covered. Below is a list of some easy to maintain plants, which will add to the beauty of your home and clean-up the toxic air. These plants also got mentioned in NASA’s Clean Air Study. So, here is the list of the best plants for your house.
Barberton Daisy
It is useful in cleaning a range of household toxins that get released from paints and synthetic fibres. The Barberton Daisy can remove toxins like benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene, which get commonly found in every household. Along with cleaning the air, it adds cheerful colours like yellow, red, orange and pink in your home.
The only care it needs is plenty of natural light, and the soil should be moist.
English Ivy
It can be an ideal air purifier for your bathroom as it is effective in reducing airborne faecal particles. Besides, English Ivy can also prevent mould formation in the house, making it perfect for every bathroom and kitchen windowsill.
Water the English Ivy generously and provide it with four hours of direct sunlight, and it will keep your house air clean and detoxified.
Snake Plant
It is also known as the Mother-In-Law’s tongue and should find a place in your bedroom. This yellow-tipped succulent can release oxygen in the night and can help you breathe better while sleeping. It can also filter the air of benzene, xylene, toluene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.
You should not overwater the snake plant as the roots are prone to rotting when the soil is moist.
The pretty pink and purple blooms can get placed in your living room or kitchen. These can brighten up space and filter out a range of toxins like ammonia and benzene, which get found in glue, plastics and detergents.
This plant loves sunlight and should get a place near a windowsill that gets ample sunlight.
Spider Plant
If you are getting houseplants for the first time, then this one should be there in your list. Easy to maintain, it will silently kill toxins in your home, including carbon monoxide and xylene. The resilient spider plant is also a perfect choice if you have pets at home as it is non-toxic to animals.
Keep it on any window, and it will grow. You can also try potting a tiny spiderettes and raise a whole family of plants in your house, which will take care of themselves.
Aloe Vera
Place it on any sunny spot in your home and draw the many benefits of this healing plant. It can soothe your kitchen burns and purify the air of benzene and formaldehyde. These chemicals are commonly found in every house as they are present in detergents, floor finishes and varnishes.
If you have any sunny location in your house, place Aloe Vera plant there, and they will not demand any extra care.
Broad Lady Palm
Ammonia gets found in a range of home cleaning products and if you want to reduce its levels in your home, then buy the Broad Lady Palm plant. It is expensive if you end up purchasing a full-grown one. Instead, you can shop for the seeds or a smaller one.
If you can, then place this plant in your bathroom as it can thrive well in humid conditions.
Weeping Fig
A trusted purifier since the Victorian times, this house plant can tackle various toxins including xylene, formaldehyde and toluene.
Keep this plant in bright and indirect sunlight, and it will grace your home for years to come.
Red-Edged Dracaena
Add a tint of red and green, when you place the Red-Edged Dracaena in your home. This slow-growing plant can fight against Xylene and Trichloroethylene pollutants.
The plant can grow up to 8 feet, and you should keep it in a room with high ceilings and optimum sunlight.
Chinese Evergreen
The tropical plant can effectively clean formaldehyde and benzene, which gets found in detergents and cosmetics.
This plant can thrive well in low-light and humid conditions. So, you can place in the bathroom or mist its leaves occasionally to prevent browning.
When you plan to adopt some plants and purify the air at home, then use this extensive and handy list. Most of the plants mentioned above are easy to maintain and not require frequent watering. You can add these in your home and enjoy a green view and a breath of fresh air.
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